Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 Today, on your blogs, you will need to compare "The Possibility of Evil" to "The Lottery". Remember to first set up your writing with a thesis:

"The Possibility of Evil" can be compare to "The Lottery" by (theme, symbols, characters). Both Miss Strangeworth's roses and the Mr. Summer's black box represent traditions that on the surface appear innocent. 

HERE ARE SOME THINGS TO THINK ABOUT (this is from Callia's post last year)

-The black box and the roses as symbols both can show how hard it is for people to let go of things.
-Both the stories are set in a small town, which may symbolize some small-town characteristics and show the difference between a small town and a city.

-Appearance vs. Reality: both the stories show appearance vs reality, in "The Possibility of Evil" its Miss Strangeworth, as you probably thought she was a nice old lady, and it "The Lottery", its the lottery, as the reader most likely thought it was just a regular lottery.
-Home: characters in each of the stories are attached to their home and will not leave.

Miss Strangeworth and Mr. Summers: both are old and live a kinda sad life, both take part in something awful.

Miss Strangeworth and Mrs. Hutchinson: Mrs. Hutchinson changes her views when the event happens to her, Miss Strangeworth only believes more in it when the event happens to her.

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