Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 Today we are going to write sentences with 1) Palliate and 2) Confiscate. I'll give you a few minutes to finish your short story outlines from yesterday. We will work on some study questions for the story - "EVERYDAY USE". 

Questions 1-4, 6 and 9 on page 61. 

We will be starting personal narratives soon.

Monday, September 28, 2020


 Today we are going to finish "Everyday Use", fill out short story outlines, and look up new vocabulary words.

New Vocabulary

1) Palliate
2) Confiscate
3) Inundate
4) Deprecate
5) Exonerate
6) Capitulate
7) Svelte
8) Diurnal
9) Canopy
10) Patrimony

Friday, September 25, 2020


 Today we are going to take a vocabulary quiz.

When we are done we will begin reading the story "Everyday Use".

Thursday, September 24, 2020


 Today we will review vocabulary words.

You will also have some time to put vocabulary words in quizlet and begin to study for tomorrow's test.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 Today, on your blogs, you will need to compare "The Possibility of Evil" to "The Lottery". Remember to first set up your writing with a thesis:

"The Possibility of Evil" can be compare to "The Lottery" by (theme, symbols, characters). Both Miss Strangeworth's roses and the Mr. Summer's black box represent traditions that on the surface appear innocent. 

HERE ARE SOME THINGS TO THINK ABOUT (this is from Callia's post last year)

-The black box and the roses as symbols both can show how hard it is for people to let go of things.
-Both the stories are set in a small town, which may symbolize some small-town characteristics and show the difference between a small town and a city.

-Appearance vs. Reality: both the stories show appearance vs reality, in "The Possibility of Evil" its Miss Strangeworth, as you probably thought she was a nice old lady, and it "The Lottery", its the lottery, as the reader most likely thought it was just a regular lottery.
-Home: characters in each of the stories are attached to their home and will not leave.

Miss Strangeworth and Mr. Summers: both are old and live a kinda sad life, both take part in something awful.

Miss Strangeworth and Mrs. Hutchinson: Mrs. Hutchinson changes her views when the event happens to her, Miss Strangeworth only believes more in it when the event happens to her.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


Today, we will finish writing sentences with the vocabulary, finish reading "The Lottery" and fill out short story outlines.

Vocabulary List #2










Monday, September 21, 2020

The Lottery

Today we are going to read the short story, "The Lottery", but first I will give you some time to finish the study questions from Friday.  We are also going to do question "Support an Opinion" on page 339.  If we finish we will look at and discuss the following videos:

HOMEWORK: Begin making notes about something you want to write about - a personal narrative. We will begin these next week.

Friday, September 18, 2020


 Today we will take a test on literary terms. When you are finished you need to do the following:

1) Write sentences with the words of the day: Wizened and Fusillade

2) "Inside the Home of the Future" on page 337 and answer questions 1-4 on page 339.
Note Monday we will be dong the "Support an Opinion" writing on page 339.  You can begin tonight if you wish.

Thursday, September 17, 2020


 Today we will review literary terms, write sentences with words of the day, and give you time to study for tomorrow's quiz.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020


 We are about 1/2 done with Unit 1 (Short Story Unit). Today we will be take a quiz on the first half.

If you finish early, you should begin studying for the quiz on Literary Elements that will be on Friday.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Join Zoom Meeting

Today, we are going to play a review game, then look up vocabulary and put the first two sentences on the blog, and finally look at the quiz you will have tomorrow in class (you should start outlining it).

Monday, September 14, 2020


Today we will finish reading "The Possibility of Evil". Fill out short story outlines and work on the blog below:

Objective: Text analysis - students will be able to explain the motivation between the protagonist's actions after reading the story, "The Possibility of Evil" and relate it to a theme.  Remember that in the Unit Goal - the writing of your personal narrative you'll need a theme or a controlling idea.  After we finish the story you will need to write a two paragraph blog entry about the protagonists motivations and why the story is called, "The Possibility of Evil".

"The Possibility of Evil" is on page 202.

HW: Questions 6, 8 and 9 on page 215.

 #6.  Analyze Irony.  Reread lines 219-238.  Explain the irony, or the contrast between appearance and reality, in Miss Strangeworth's insistence upon living "graciously".

#8.  Evaluate.  Is the punishment that Miss Strangeworth receives at the end of the story appropriate?  Why or why not?

#9.  Predict.  How will Miss Strangeworth's life in town be different after her secret is discovered?
Unit Learning goal: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the structure of fiction by breaking down the essential building blocks (literary elements) of short stories by plot, dialogue, imagery, character development, figurative language (metaphor, symbolism, irony), point of view, connecting these blocks to the overall meaning (or theme) of the text, and final writing a personal narrative using some of these devices. 
 Scale/Rubric relating to learning goal:
4 – The student can analyze the elements of a short story come up with a valid theme (or themes) of a text and relate this theme to other texts and/or movies and real world situations.  The student is able to write a personal narrative using these elements to create a text with a realistic theme that relates to the student’s life.
3 – The student can analyze elements of a short story and come up with a valid theme for a text.  The student is able to write a personal narrative using some of these elements to create a text with a valid theme that relates to the student’s life.
2 – With some direction/help from the teacher the student can analyze the elements of a short story and come up with a theme for a text.  With some direction/help from the teacher the student is able to write a personal narrative using some of these elements to create a text with a valid theme that relates to the student’s life.
1 – Even with help from the teacher the student is unable to analyze elements of a short story and come up with a theme for a text.  Even with help from the teacher the student in unable to write a personal narrative using some of these elements to create a text with a valid theme that relates to the student's life.

Vocabulary List #2










Friday, September 11, 2020


 Today, we will take a vocabulary quiz and then read "The Possibility of Evil" found on page 202.

Thursday, September 10, 2020


 Today, we will review vocabulary and give you some time to finish your blog posts from yesterday.  If you have you blog posts done, please create a quizlet and review vocabulary for tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020



Today, we are going to discuss the story "There Will Come Soft Rains", give you time to fill in the short story outlines, and work on the blog assignment below.

HW: On your blogs you will outline the day routine of the family that lived in the house.   You will do this by going back through the story and marking what happens with the house and when it happens.  Create a hour-time line.  Example: 8 am: "Time to Run".  The house plods the children out the door to go to school.   The garbage door opens indicating that the father will be leaving for work.  The house begins to clean... Please do not skip anything or your blog grade may suffer.  You will need 3-4 detailed sentences per time.

Remember you have a vocabulary quiz on Friday. Vocabulary below:

Vocabulary List #1


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

There Will Come Soft Rains


Today we will read "THERE WILL COME  SOFT RAINS".  

Essential Question: Can Technology Save US?  

Objective: Be able to pick out 3 allusions and explain how they reinforce the main idea (theme)?  Also note, or mark the times that are used in the story.  You will eventually (tomorrow) have to outline the story on your blogs by a timeline.  


You will fill out a short story outline as we read.

NOTE: How could you use allusions in a personal narrative? 

Friday, September 4, 2020


 Today we are going to put the last words of the day on your blogs, fill out short story outlines and review vocabulary.

Thursday, September 3, 2020


Today we are goint to put words of the day on the board (Sublime, Tremulous), play a review game and start "The Pedestrian". 

The story can be found here: "The Pedestrian"

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


 Today we will write words of the day for Paranoia and Silhouette
As a group we will do questions 1-9 on page 45, and then;

Write a sequel to Harrison Bergeron.  The choice of the sequel is up to you, but you can discuss the parents' reaction when they are informed of Harrison's death, or take the point of view of one of the ballerinas or either write a sequel from the point of view of the Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General.  Remember this world is a negative-utopia.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


 Today we will write sentences with "Words of the Day", discuss "Harrison Bergeron" and your short story guides (you will then turn them in).

As a group we will do questions 1-9 on page 45, and then (homework): 

Write a sequel to Harrison Bergeron.  The choice of the sequel is up to you, but you can discuss the parents' reaction when they are informed of Harrison's death, or take the point of view of one of the ballerinas or either write a sequel from the point of view of the Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General.  Remember this world is a negative-utopia.

Things to know for the Test

  THEMES: Be able to show three examples from the text to back up each of the following: Loyalty Hospitality Pride/Arrogance Comi...