Monday, August 31, 2020


 Today we are going to write sentences with the words of the day (vigilance and wince), finish taking notes on literary terms, and begin reading "Harrison Bergeron" on page 36.

You will need to fill out a short story outline.

Here is a link for the outline



Friday, August 28, 2020

Friday - Unit 1

 Students will be able to

 1) Define tone, blues, metaphor, irony, foreshadow, dialect, conflict, character, plot,

 mood, theme, symbol, imagery, protagonist, antagonist, static character, dynamic character, round character, flat character, allusion

2) Given a story be able to list its theme, plot, conflict, irony, point of view

3) Given a story be able to discuss which characters are round and which are flat

4) Given a story be able to pick out the protagonist and the antagonist

5) Given a story be able to pick out the static characters and the dynamic characters

 and briefly in a paragraph discuss why.

6) Given a story pick out examples of foreshadow and allusion

7) List the three elements of characterization

8) List the three conditions for believable change in a character

9) Given a series of images discuss what they mean in relation to a story 

or a character in a story

10) Given a story identify the characters with descriptions—physical and 

emotional descriptions as well as whether the character fits as either an antagonist,

 protagonist, dynamic or static character

11) Given a story be able to describe the symbols used in the story and what they 

mean in relation to the characters and theme.

12) Given a story discuss in a paragraph or two what the story’s plot reveals 

about the main character

13) Recognize whether a story is told from a 1st person, 2nd person or

 3rd person limited, 3rd person omniscient point of view.

14) In a paragraph be able to summarize the events of a story.

15) Given a story identify the different events that fall into different parts of plot

 (example: be able to describe the exposition or climax of a story)

16) Given a story discuss how its theme is developed throughout the text

17) Students will be able to tell the difference between a short story and a 

personal narrative. 

18) Students will be able to write an extension to a short story read in class and 

publish them on their blog.

19) Students will be able to write personal responses to stories read in class.

20) Respond orally to a story by creating an outline and delivering it to class

 Text(s)/Additional Instructional Resources (what will be reading):

“Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

“Everyday Use” by Alice Walker”

“The Possibility of Evil” by Shirley Jackson

“There Will Come Soft Rains” by Ray Bradbury

“The Pedestrian” by Ray Bradbury

“Montgomery Boycott” by Coretta Scott King

“On Nuclear Disarmament” by Carl Sagan

“Stockpiles of Nuclear Weapons”

“I Have A Dream” by M.L. King

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

“Inside the home of the Future/Car of the Future”

“The Race to Save Apollo 13”


What are the different types of conflicts found within stories?; What is an unreliable narrator and what does an unreliable narrator do for a text; What is an allusion?  Why does an author use allusions?  How is a complex character created?  Why does an author use imagery?  What does dialect do for a story?  What is irony and what is the effect of irony when it is used in a story?  Can you find irony in the real world?  What happens when part of the plot is left out of a story?  What is figurative language and how does an author effectively use it in a story? What is a personal narrative?  How does a personal narrative differ from a short story?  How are they similar?  What are some good themes for a personal narrative? 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Syllabus and First Vocabulary

 Vocabulary List #1


  World Literature
Course Syllabus: 2020-2021
Instructor: Mr. Fielding

English 10: Literature of the World

Align to the Common Core Standards English 10 is a thematic exploration of literary and informative texts of world literature.  While English 9 is an exploration of genre, English 10 is an exploration of ideas (themes, arguments, thesis statements).  Students will read a variety of literature and literary genres from Ancient Greek classics to contemporary works, and cite textual evidence to analyze characters, figurative language, and cultural themes.  In informative reading students will analyze how claims and central ideas are developed and shaped by specific details.  

In writing students will build on the foundation established in 9th grade for composing literary, persuasive, analytical and reflective essays, and to produce an original persuasive research paper. Additionally, students will utilize proper writing conventions appropriate to their learning level. To accomplish this, students will actively read from an extensive selection spanning all literary genres, analyze these works, develop original theses, and share their ideas in formal compositions (persuasive, reflective, and analytical), class discussions, and oral presentations.

Students this year will learn strategies for writing successful persuasive essays and compose one using proper MLA citations.

Texts (students will read some or all of the following): Holt McDougal: English 10, A Brave New World, The Tragedy of Macbeth, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Oedipus Rex, The Odyssey, The Iliad, All Quiet of the Western Front, Catcher in the Rye and poetry from various sources.  


Students will be required to keep a blog throughout the year.  This blog will be the student’s journal.  In this blog/journal will be reading reflections, lists of literary devices found in stories and novels, creative assignments that correspond with readings, pre-writing exercises, analytical writing.  

NOTE: Blogs will count as your journal grade.  I read every journal entry and you will lose points for skipping entries or not following directions.  If you do not understand an assignment please ask.  

Blogs can be made private if students and/or parents do not wish work to be viewed by the public.  


Tests – 25% of overall grade

Papers—25% of overall grade

Projects—20% of overall grade

Quizzes, class work, homework—20% of overall grade
Journals—10% of overall grade


100- 93 = A
92.49- 90 = A-
89.49- 87 = B+
86.49-83.00 = B
82.49- 80.00 = B-
79.49-77.00 = C+
76.49- 73 = C
72.49-70.00 = C-
69.49-67.00 = D+
66.49- 63.00 = D
62.49- 60 = D-
Below 60 = F

Late Work: Late work is marked down 10% every day it is overdue until it reaches 50%.  Please note that this policy includes papers.  Some projects (such as oral presentations) are hard to make up if not done on the day that they are due.

Students should expect homework 3-4 nights a week.

Required Materials:

1 Pocket Folders (to keep handouts, note guides, returned work)
1 Binder with loose paper
Pens and Pencils
Highlighters (at least two)


You will need to have a mask to enter and leave the room. This mask needs to be worn when social distancing is not possible and when you need to leave because the period is over or you need to use the restroom. 

Please no jokes about COVID. Pretending to cough on someone will get you sent to the office as will refusing to wear a mask when asked. You will also need to clean your desk and sanitize your hands when you enter and leave the room.

General Guidelines:

  1. Be prepared when class begins.  It is imperative that all pencils are sharpened and materials are ready when the bell rings.  
  2. Class discussions should be conducted in an orderly and respectful fashion.  Students should not disrupt their classmates and should respect the opinions of others.
  3. Do not talk when I am talking.  
  4. I dismiss you, not the bell!
  5. You may choose you own seat, but I reserve the right to assign seats or move you if I see the need.
    NO CELL PHONES IN CLASS. Cell phones will be taken and tortured if seen!

Behavioral Expectations

  1. Respect others and their property.  This respect extends to remaining quiet during announcements, directions, lectures, and presentations.  
  2. Learning is the 1st priority.
  3. Make Good Choices and Be Accountable for the bad ones.

    Skagway Rules:

Things to know for the Test

  THEMES: Be able to show three examples from the text to back up each of the following: Loyalty Hospitality Pride/Arrogance Comi...