Today we will finish reading "The Possibility of Evil". Fill out short story outlines and work on the blog below:
Objective: Text analysis - students will be able to explain the
motivation between the protagonist's actions after reading the story,
"The Possibility of Evil" and relate it to a theme. Remember that in
the Unit Goal - the writing of your personal narrative you'll need a
theme or a controlling idea. After we finish the story you will need to
write a two paragraph blog entry about the protagonists motivations and
why the story is called, "The Possibility of Evil".
"The Possibility of Evil" is on page 202.
HW: Questions 6, 8 and 9 on page 215.
#6. Analyze Irony. Reread lines 219-238. Explain the irony, or the
contrast between appearance and reality, in Miss Strangeworth's
insistence upon living "graciously".
#8. Evaluate. Is the punishment that Miss Strangeworth receives at the end of the story appropriate? Why or why not?
#9. Predict. How will Miss Strangeworth's life in town be different after her secret is discovered?
Learning goal: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the structure of
fiction by breaking down the essential building blocks (literary elements) of
short stories by plot, dialogue, imagery, character development, figurative
language (metaphor, symbolism, irony), point of view, connecting these blocks
to the overall meaning (or theme) of the text, and final writing a personal
narrative using some of these devices.
relating to learning goal:
4 – The student can analyze the elements of a short story
come up with a valid theme (or themes) of a text and relate this theme to other
texts and/or movies and real world situations.
The student is able to write a personal narrative using these elements
to create a text with a realistic theme that relates to the student’s life.
3 – The student can analyze elements of a short story and
come up with a valid theme for a text.
The student is able to write a personal narrative using some of these
elements to create a text with a valid theme that relates to the student’s life.
2 – With some direction/help from the teacher the student
can analyze the elements of a short story and come up with a theme for a
text. With some direction/help from the
teacher the student is able to write a personal narrative using some of these
elements to create a text with a valid theme that relates to the student’s
1 – Even with help from the teacher the student is unable
to analyze elements of a short story and come up with a theme for a text. Even with help from the teacher the student
in unable to write a personal narrative using some of these elements to create
a text with a valid theme that relates to the student's life.
Vocabulary List #2